Sunday, June 28, 2009


I now have a calling. I am the assistant to the Ward Mission Leader. I am also the "mom" for my FHE group. I am REALLY excited! It will be fun! Woohoo!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

49 words

So for my English 150 class we had to write a story to introduce ourselves to the class. It had to be exactly 49 words. It was tricky. Here's mine:

I am only five feet tall and I still buy my pants at Gap Kids. But I took a weight training class in high school and I was pretty good at it. By the end of the semester I broke the bench and squat records for my weight class.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Here I am. At BYU. Its kinda hot, and classes are kinda long. Cannon food is ok. My room mate is awesome! My Bishopbric is cool. I can see the Y out my window. This summer will be fun.
Classes: I'm taking 2. American Heritage and English 150.
Ward: I don't have a calling yet. I'll post as soon as I do.
Hall: My hall has cool girls. They are all pretty awesome. We are goning to have a blast!
Plus, Allie's here.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Grad party

Graduation was gradutation. They're all pretty much the same. Done.

Our grad party was tons of fun! We had a wetern theme and there were casino games and a jumping house and swimming and a rock climbing wall and tons of food. And you could get "hitched" for the night! I married my friend Joe. We got little plastin rings and a fake marriage certificate! Tabea got the funniest pictures of it! It was so funny! Tabea married Robbie = weird and Amanada married Will Downey! haha! sooo much fun! And so exhausting! I got home around 5 am! SNORE.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Starlight Parade

On Saturday it was Portland's Starlight Parade. I got to march in it with the TuHS marching band. Last parade I will ever play my trumpet and march in. It wasn't too bad, but it was HOT! Like, 80 degrees! And we wear wool uniforms... Anyway, I was told we looked and wounded good. Emily saw me on TV. I hear my family and friends cheering. It was pretty good. Halfway through the parade though, my stomach started to hurt badly enought that I couldn't play. I held my trumpet up and just marched. But that was after the judges and TV cameras so it was ok.
The last time I WATCHED the Starlight parade was a long time ago. I went with uncle Michael. I don't remember much, except that on the way home I tried really really hard not to fall asleep. I failed. haha!

1 more day of high school!